
I am so unbelievably glad it’s Friday.  This week has just been hard for me and I’m looking forward to two days without school schedules, homework, pick ups, drop offs and the humdrum of the daily grind.   I’m hoping that the nice weather we’ve been having this week (sunny and in the 40’s & 50’s) will hold and that the kids and I will be able to enjoy some time outside.  I have no idea what we’ll do considering the melting icy/snow mess outside, but I’ll think of something.

I’ll be attending a baby shower this weekend for my cousin who is due in about 3 weeks with her first.  I’ve mildly helped with planning, though I don’t really believe I’ve been much help at all.  Provided she isn’t in the hospital for something on Saturday it should be fun.  We’ll be staying at my mom’s; so we’ll be crowded at best.  It also means I’ll have a chance to do some laundry so it’s not all bad.

I’m also going to try and teach the kids how to use the Wii while we are there.  I’ve never had so much fun bowling in my entire life.  That little remote is not nearly as heavy as the 10lb ball I normally have to use.  I didn’t hurt my arm or have swollen fingers, even after three fast-paced games.  I just love those people at Nintendo.  I’m even more interested in buying one now that I’ve tried it out.  Here’s to figuring out how to put that in the budget.  (And did I mention…they have Sims?  I really have to have one!)
I’ve been  a total flake on C’s reading homework this week.  We’ve gone through his reading book just once.  It was challenging the first time, so I really needed to be on that this week and it just didn’t happen.  Thankfully, I can keep it until next week so we can work on it some more.  We also have sight words and sound words to work on.  I don’t know if it’s the change in their bedtime that did it, or just daylight savings, but I really just was not in my groove.  Thankfully they didn’t have any other homework this week so I’m only behind with his reading.  We also need to read the last few books we need for Book-It.  We are one of the few families who has actually done it every single month.  I think they get something if they participate the whole year, which will be exciting for C.  We haven’t used all the pizza coupons because Pizza Hut hasn’t been in the budget either, but at least we earned them by reading together.  I was trying to figure it out and I think we did 6 months with a minimum of at least 10 books to earn the free pizza.  We read more some months so I’m guessing we are in the 80 books read range for this school year.  I don’t think that’s too bad!

Anyway, TGIF!  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  I know I plan on it!


  1. Jess said

    I want a Wii!!!! Grrr.

    Anyway, have a great weekend! Enjoy your time off.

  2. Rachel said

    Have a great weekend and try to enjoy it.

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