Hannah Montana…

Anyone seen it? I have not. Today when I took L shopping for sneakers and a spring coat we ended up with Hannah Montana sneakers. I wasn’t that impressed. For one thing, I know she probably has never seen Hannah Montana. She’s not even old enough, in my opinion, to watch Hannah Montana. For another thing, I know that she just heard the name and figured it was the “cool” thing so she wanted to have it. Considering she’s not quite five yet, I’m not sure how she picked up on Hannah Montana being cool, but she did. So, instead of the cute pink Dora the Explorer velcro sneakers we got black, gold and white Hannah Montana ones that I still have to tie. To add to the coolness, they have a picture of Miley Cyrus on the side. Fabulous.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the first of many shopping trips that ends in me being unimpressed with the choices one of the kids makes as they start to assert their independence in regards to their appearance. I’m all for them asserting their independence and choosing how they want to dress, but in this instance when the reality is that she has absolutely no familiarity with the character it irks me that she’d choose it. I suppose I should just be glad that after spending over 2 hours shopping for sneakers we actually found a pair that fit, but I’m not. And, yes, I could have denied her the right to choose which sneakers she wanted. I could have told her it was Dora or nothing. Unfortunately, she had to have something that she liked and that fit. So, if she thinks Hannah Montana is ‘it’ this time around I suppose I can suffer and try not to grimace each time I put them on her skinny little feet.


  1. manda said

    my three year old likes Hannah Montana…which deeply confuses me. Anyway, just dropping by to say hi! I hope you have a good weekend! 🙂

  2. Kathryn said

    I really don’t get the Hannah Montana fascinations. But then again, it is better than a Brittney Spears obsession, right?

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